Activate: Sym3 Configuration

The file used to configure Activate service is an XML file located here:

C:/Program Files (x86)/Sym3/Sym3 Activate/BCS.Sym3.ActivateService.exe.config

Configure services to monitor

The following fragment sets up which services Activate should control/monitor:

    <add name="Sym3 Operator Service" priority="1" monitorOnly="true" maxNumberOfRetries="3"/>
    <add name="Sym3 Alarm Service" priority="1" maxNumberOfRetries="3"/>
    <add name="Sym3 Authentication Service" priority="1" monitorOnly="true" maxNumberOfRetries="3"/>
Attribute Description
KeepAlive Set to true if this service should be started if it is not already running
monitorOnly Setting this to true will prevent activate starting/stopping the service when it goes active/passive
priority A priority value determining start order where 1 is highest

Settings and Options

The appSettings section of the configuration file is read by the framework, each entry has a key and a value, these keys are detailed within the following table:

Attribute Description
StandaloneMode Boolean: if True, Activate is working without a peer. Can be useful if you want to monitor services.
StatusListeningPort The port to receive status updates from Sym3 services.
ServiceControlStatusCheckInterval The time interval in milliseconds to check Sym3 services status (monitor only).
ServiceControlRetryInterval The time interval in milliseconds to check Sym3 services status and restart a service if not started. Only effective in Active state.
ServiceControlStartTimeOut The timeout in milliseconds to wait to start a service
ServiceControlStopTimeOut The timeout in milliseconds to wait to stop a service
VirtualIPAddress The IP address that is shared between the two servers, this is the address Sym3 Operator is connected to.
NetworkAdapter The network adapter the shared IP address is assigned to
SubnetMask Subnet mask for virtual IP
EnforceVirtualIP Whether or not to force using shared IP Address to make outbound connection
PrimaryServer Boolean: Flag to indicate this is the primary server. Only one of the systems maybe set as the primary server, this is a fallback to ensure only one will ever be active
PeerIPAddress The peer activate IP address
RefIPAddress The IP address of the reference server to ping periodically.
RefInterval The time between sending the ping requests to the reference server (milliseconds)
RefPingTimeout The amount of time to wait for a response from the reference server, before aborting the ping request
PeerStatusListeningPortRemote The port number that the remote activate server has bound to for receiving status updates
PeerStatusListeningPortLocal The port number activate binds to, to receive status updates from the peer
StatusSendingInterval The rate (in seconds) at which Activate status updates are sent
StatusReceiveTimeout The time interval to wait for an Activate status update before reporting it as a timeout