Equipment: XRay Machine

  • Display Name: XRay Machine
  • Type Name: XRayMachine


The XRay Machine component is used to set the screening result of products travelling on transporting equipment (typically conveyors). When a product travels through the XRay Machine, the product receives a screening by the machine (Level 1 screening).

If the screening is Rejected, and Level 2 Screening Operators are enabled, the product will receive a Level 2 status or a Timeout Status if the screening operator didn’t complete the Level 2 screening before the XRay timeout.


From the Toolbox, simply drag and drop a XRay Machine into the simulation.


In Project Explorer, click on Equipments > XRay Machine. Or simply click on the XRay machine in the simulation.


Name Description
Connections/Source Name of the conveyor or transporting equipment where the XRay Machine reads from.
Connections/Source Distance The distance along the Source component where the screening occurs.
Length Length of the XRay Machine.
Width Width of the XRay Machine.
Height Height of the XRay Machine.
Reject Rate (%) Percentage of rejected products at Level 1.
Last Screening Result True if the last screening product was Cleared, False if rejected.
Operator Timeout Maximum time allowed for Level 2 operator (if any) to provide a screening result. The XRay will set the Level 2 screening result to “Timeout”. If no Level 2 operator are enabled, alls products will be either cleared or rejected (no timeout).
Min/Mean/Max Screening Time (seconds) Specify the time taken to deliver the Level 1 result (normal distribution with minimum, maximum and mean parameters).
Last Screening Time (seconds) Time taken to deliver the screening result of the last product screened.