
Actions may be triggered by buttons and menus. Some are only applicable in specific cases.

Name Description
Acknowledge alarms Acknowledge all the non acknowledged alarms
Acknowledge selected alarms Acknowledge the currently selected alarms (only applicable for a context menu on an Alarm Display)
Change Camera Change the camera of the selected 3D view
Close popup window Close the current window of the control (if it is a popup window)
Disable Selected Alarms Disable the currently selected alarms (only applicable for a context menu on an alarm display)
Display Message Open a popup window with the specified Title, Text and Icon.
Execute External Program Starts the specified program. The absolute path of the program must be specified, and the program must be local to the client machine. Note that is it possible to simply specify the path of a file and let Windows open the file with the default program for this file extension. For example: “” will automatically launch the default web browser with the URL. Or C:\Documentation\doc.PDF will open the pdf file in a PDF reader if installed on the client.
Execute Macro A macro that can be typed in directly, or a reference to a function in the Client Script. Example Client.Tags.Set(“mytag”, true); is a valid macro.
Exit Application Shut down the client
Logoff Log off the current user
Open Login Form Display the login form
Open Popup Window Pops up a new window at the specified location. When a window is popped up the variable “caller” is the object that was used to open the window (typically the button or a piece of equipment). the user may use %caller.Name% or %caller.Alias% anywhere in the binding properties to use the name of the caller as part of the tag names.
Open Speed Tuning dialog Displays the speed tuning dialogue used to configure Product Tracking
Show Alarm Equipment Applicable for a context menu on an Alarm Display only. Zoom to the equipment associated to the alarms (if any).
Show Disabled Alarms Opens the list of disabled alarms.