Control: Wrap Panel

  • Display Name: Wrap Panel
  • Type Name: WrapPanel


A Wrap Panel is similar to a Panel but does not have the Background, Border and Shadow properties but does automatically wrap controls placed on it into regular positions.

If you need the background properties of the Panel then create a Panel and place a Wrap Panel over it.


Open the destination window to add the Control.

From the Toolbox, select the Control icon, move the pointer into the window and drag out the initial position and size for the control.


If the Property Editor is not displayed, click on RibbonHomeProperty Editor

Click on the Control. The Properties for the control will appear in the Property Editor panel and allow changes to be made.


Name Description
Name Name of the control
Alias Alias of the control
Text To control the wrapping order of controls placed in this Panel, select from the options:
  • LeftToRight
  • TopDown
  • RightToLeft
  • BottomUp
X X location in the window to place the control
Y Y location in the window to place the control
Width Default = 20
Width of the control.
Height Default = 120
Height of the control.
Anchor Which edge of the window the control is anchored to when the window is resized
Visible Default = Visible
Visibility of the control.


The following properties of the Bar Control may be bound to a tag

  • Visible