Control: Alarm Display

  • Display Name: Alarm Display
  • Type Name: AlarmDisplay


Use the alarm display control to display current and historical alarms in a grid. the Alarm Display grid allows the user to sort, group and filter the grid according to any criteria.

Sym3 Client may display a limited number of alarms using the Alarm Display controls. The maximum number of alarms is set in the Sym3 web ‘Alarm Server Configuration Settings’ page.


Open the destination window to add the Control.

From the Toolbox, select the Control icon, move the pointer into the window and drag out the initial position and size for the control.


If the Property Editor is not displayed, click on RibbonHomeProperty Editor

Click on the Control. The Properties for the control will appear in the Property Editor panel and allow changes to be made.


To adjust the default layout of the grid (columns, filter and grouping)

  • Right click on the Alarm Display Grid in the window and select Setup from the menu.
  • Manipulate the grid to the desired layout
  • Close the setup.


Name Description
Name Name of the control
Alias Alias of the control
Menu a contextual menu that may be associated to the control (the menu is displayed when the user Right clicks on the alarm grid in the client. See “Menus (Operator)”
Prefilter Default = ‘No Filter’
A list of predefined filters to apply for this alarm control. Note that additional filtering/sorting may be done using the grid setup. Defaults to No Filter but can select from the following options:
  • No Filter
  • On or Unacknowledged
  • On and Unacknowledged
  • Off or acknowledged
  • Off and acknowledged
  • On
  • Unacknowledged
User Filtering If ticked, the users will be able to modify the filters of each column
User Grouping If ticked, the users will be able to modify the grouping of the grid.
Max Rows Default = 1000
Maximum number of rows displayed.
Max Days Default = 7
Only alarms with an ON date > now - Max Days will be displayed on this grid.
X X location in the window to place the control
Y Y location in the window to place the control
Width Default = 20
Width of the control.
Height Default = 120
Height of the control.
Anchor Which edge of the window the control is anchored to when the window is resized
Visible Default = Visible
Visibility of the control.
Date/Time format Default = ‘dd/MM/yy hh:mm:ss’
Format to use to display the date.
Border: Thickness Default = 1
Border thickness in pixels.
Border: Color Select the color from the list of available colors defined in the project
Font: Family Default = ‘Microsoft Sans Serif’
Select from one of the system available fonts.
Font: Size Default = 11
Font size in points.
On Selection Changed Default = None
Action to take when the selected alarms is changed. Defaults to (None) but can be selected from one of the System actions.


The following properties may be bound to a tag

  • Visible