Equipment: Chute

  • Display Name: Chute
  • Type Name: Chute


The Straight or Spiral Chute component is used to simulate gravity chutes, typically to transport products from a sorter or a conveyor on to a sort destination.

Chute are configured using a speed property: all products travelling on the chute will travel at this constant speed. If the next conveyor or chute is stopped, product will start to pile up on the chute.


From the Toolbox, simply drag and drop a Chute into the simulation.


In Project Explorer, right click on Equipments > New > Chute.



Name Description
Speed Default = 1 (metres/sec)
Constant speed at which product travel on the chute in the units chosen when the project was created (metres or feet) per second.
Source Name of the equipment that feeds products on the Chute.
Source Distance Distance from the beginning of the previous equipment where the products are transferred to the Chute.
Destination the destination equipment for Product leaving this Chute.
Destination Distance the distance from the beginning of the destination equipment the product will be placed.
Type Can be one of Straight or Spiral.
Base Height The height of the base of the Chute in the units chosen when the project was created. (metres or feet)
Width Width of the Chute.
Length ONLY when ‘Straight’. Length of the Chute in the units chosen when the project was created. (metres or feet)
Height ONLY when ‘Spiral’. The height on the spiral Chute (ie difference in Z coordinate between the top and bottom of the Chute) in the units chosen when the project was created. (metres or feet)
Arc ONLY when ‘Spiral’. Arc of the spiral in degrees. (can be more than 360)
Radius ONLY when ‘Spiral’. The spiral radius.
Side Panel Height Default = 0.3 (metres)
Height in the units chosen when the project was created (metres or feet) of the Side Panel.
Side Panel Width Default = 0.04 (metres)
Width in the units chosen when the project was created (metres or feet) of the Side Panel.

Integrator ONLY

Name Description
Is Full Default = False
If true, sorters don’t divert products to the Chute.
Simulate Full Logic Default = True
If true, the Chute will be set to full if the PE Sensor specified in Full PE Sensor is blocked for more than Full PE Sensor Delay.
Full PE Sensor The PE Sensor used to determined if the Chute is full.
Full PE Sensor Delay Default = 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds)
The Chute will be set to full if the PE Sensor specified in Full PE Sensor is blocked for more than Full PE Sensor Delay.

Operator ONLY

Name Description
Tracking Mode Default = None. Allows selection of None, Product or Presence.
PEs NotTracking Default = All PEs Track. Can select any PEs on the Chute that do NOT track.
Tracking Window Default = 0.6 (metres)
Specify the distance in the units chosen when the project was created (metres or feet) around the PE over which the tracking is monitored. Can be from 0.2 to 2.0 metres.