Equipment: Path

  • Display Name: Path
  • Type Name: Path


A Path equipment allows a product to move along a path.


From the Toolbox, simply drag and drop a Path into the simulation.


From the Project Explorer >System > Equipment > Path.

Or directly in the simulation.


Each coordinate contains 4 values (X, Y, Z and Bulge). Adding a Bulge is for defining a part of the path where opposing objects can be configured to cross. The bulge formula is:

Coordinates of all sections are available in the Sections section of the properties.

Visual Modes

The path mode can be changed to:

  • Quad (Default): In quad mode able to change the width of the path.
  • Line: The line width cannot be changed.
  • Rail: New render mode for the path Rail. The 2D path will change to 3D shape which extrude along it. When the mode changed to Rail, a new property will add in visual category as Height of the shape.


Name Description
Coordinates List of coordinates.
Mode Visual mode, can be:
  • Quad
  • Line
  • Rail
Line Width Default = 0.1 (metres)
Width of the line in the units chosen when the project was created. (metres or feet)
Double New property in visual category of path as Double. When tick the double checkbox the single path will change to double path with a gap between it. The gap size can be adjustable. This property is available for Quad, Line and Rail mode.