Equipment: Product Generator

  • Display Name: Product Generator
  • Type Name: ProductGenerator


A Product Generator provides a mechanism for producing product to use in a simulation. This can be configured with special properties for size, shape and user properties. e.g. Barcode identifiers.


From the Toolbox, simply drag and drop a Product Generator into the simulation.


From the Project Explorer > Equipment > Product Generator.

Or directly by selecting the Product Generator in the simulation.

Generate a product

When the simulation is running, hold down the SpaceBar and mouse click on the Product Generator. This will product a new product with the defined properties next to the Generator.

Still holding down the SpaceBar, select and drag the product to the intended location.

If the location is a Conveyor or Chute then the product will be placed on the equipment and move with it.

A Product Generator will allow you to define the usual Product properties as well as any User Defined properties for a Product. e.g. Barcode.


Name Description
Name Name of the Generator.
Processor Logical processor where all the event handling and processing will be done for current product schedule. But it can induct products on equipments processed by other logical processor.
Mass The mass of the generated product, in kilograms. Default = 1. Only affects the products on physics equipment. Must be greater than zero.
Friction The friction value of the generated product, 10.0 being most friction and 0.0 being no friction.