CAD: Migrating Polylines
Migrate from AutoCAD to Sym3
There are two components required to migrate Polylines from AutoCAD to Sym3:
- An AutoCAD macro file named Polylines.dvb (this is the same file used from Sym3 to AutoCAD)
- A Sym3 macro file called PolylineImport.js
Note that from AutoCAD 2014 VBA is no longer installed. Press the Run VBA Macro and follow the link to download the VBA install for your machine.
Exporting from AutoCAD to a Text file
- In AutoCAD click on Load Application in the Manage tab.
- Browse for the file Polylines.dvb and click on Load. If the file fails to load then you need to load the VBA install from the Run VBA Macro option.
- Click on Run VBA Macro in the Manage tab, you should now see the two macros you just imported in the list, select the ExportLines entry and click Run.
- The macro will ask you to save the exported data as a text file, choose the folder to save the result into.
Importing from a Text file into Sym3
- Copy the file ‘PolylineImport.js’ to your Sym3 macro directory, it is usually ‘Documents\Sym3 Integrator\Macros’
- Open Sym3 and click on Developer > My Macros, you should now see a new item called ‘PolylineImport’
- Double click on the macro to launch it
- The macro will prompt you for the text file to import.
Migrate from Sym3 to AutoCAD
There are two components required to migrate Polylines from Sym3 to AutoCAD:
- An AutoCAD macro file named Polylines.dvb (this is the same file used from AutoCAD to Sym3)
- A Sym3 macro file called PolylineExport.js
Exporting from Sym3 to a Text file
- Copy the file ‘Polyline_export.js’ to your Sym3 macro directory, it is usually ‘Documents\Sym3 Integrator\Macros’
- Open Sym3 and click on Developer > My Macros, you should now see a new item called ‘PolylineExport’
- Double click on the macro to launch it
- The macro will ask you to save the exported data as a text file, choose the folder you want.
Importing from a Text file into AutoCad
- In AutoCAD click on Load Application in the Manage tab.
- Browse for the file ‘Polylines.dvb’ and click on Load.
- Click on Run VBA macro in the Manage tab, you should now see the two macros you just imported in the list, select the ImportLines entry and click Run.
- The macro will prompt you for the text file to import.
Warning: AutoCAD and Sym3 must be in the same units or the export won’t work. If it is not possible to change the units, the Sym3 macro has a scale factor. To modify it you can right click on the macro in Sym3 and Edit it, the scale factor definition is on the first line. Change it and save the macro before trying again.