Sym3 DB Schema
Event Log
Field | Description |
ID | Unique Identifier for the event |
LogTime | Timestamp of the event (server local time) |
UserName | Logged user |
Datalog Definition table
Datalogs are tables storing historical values of PLC tags. A definition table holds all the datalog definitions. One table per datalog is created automatically by Sym3.
Field | Description |
ID | Unique Identifier for the event |
Name | Timestamp of the event (server local time) |
Expression | Tag or expression of tag being recorded |
DataTags | Not used |
EquipmentName | Equipment Name associated to this datalog |
EquipmentProperty | Equipment Property associated to this datalog |
SamplingType | OnChange or Periodic |
SamplingPeriod | If Sampling Type is Periodic, sampling period in seconds |
StoreDataType | SQL Data type for storage of the values |
TableName | Name of the table holding this datalog values |
Datalog Items tables
Each Datalog table has the following fields:
Field | Description |
LogTime | Timestamp of the value when stored |
ItemValue | Value of the tag/expression |
Quality | Quality (as per OPC standard) of the tag/expression |
Live Alarms
The Live Alarm table holds alarms that are either ON or not Acknowledged. The alarms are moved to the FactAlarm table when they are ON and Acknowledged.
History Alarms
The historical alarm table holds alarms occurrences records that are OFF and Acknowledged (these records won’t change anymore).
Field | Description |
ID | Unique Identifier for the Alarm occurrence |
OnTime | Timestamp when the alarm was triggered ON |
OffTime | Timestamp when the alarm was triggered OFF |
AckTime | Timestamp when the alarm was acknowledged |
AckUser | The user who acknowledged the alarm (may be “System”) |
AckWorkstation | Device Name where the Alarm was acknowledged |
AlarmTriggerId | UniqueID referring to the Alarm definition |
UtcOnTime | UTC Timestamp when the alarm was triggered ON |
UtcOffTime | UTC Timestamp when the alarm was triggered OFF |
UtcAckTime | UTC Timestamp when the alarm was acknowledged |
OnOffSeconds | Number of seconds between on and off times |
OnAckSeconds | Number of seconds between on and Acknowledgement times |
OnOffDurationId | Reference to a Measures table of durations |
DateHourId | Reference to a Measures table of dates |
Alarm Priority
List of Alarm priorities as defined in the Sym3 project.
Field | Description |
ID | Unique Identifier for the priority |
Name | Name of the priority (eg. High, Medium) |
UpdatedBy | User/service that last updated this record |
UpdatedDT | Timestamp of the last update of this record |
Active | False if this priority has been deleted from the project. This usually happens when the project changed significantly |
Alarm Trigger
The Alarm Trigger table holds all the alarms definition as defined in the Sym3 Project. An alarm trigger defined an alarm condition that can be triggered many times. Each time the alarm trigger is triggered, a new occurrence is created in the LiveAlarm table with the matching TiggerID.
Field | Description |
ID | Unique Identifier for the Alarm Trigger |
Name | Name of the Alarm |
PrimaryTagName | Tag or Expression of tags to evaluate |
CompareWith | Choice of Threshold (fixed value) or OtherTag (to compare with the value of another tag) |
CompareOperator | The condition operator (equal, less than, more than) |
Threshold | Value of the threshold |
SecondaryTagName | Name of the secondary tag is CompareWith is “OtherTag” |
Priority | Id of the priority as defined in the AlarmPriority Table |
Enabled | Indicates if the alarm is enabled or disabled |
Displayed | Indicates if the alarm is displayed in the client’s alarm grids |
Message | Message associated with this alarm |
EquipmentName | Name of the equipment associated with this alarm |
Audio | Name of the audio played when this alarm is triggered |
UpdatedDT | Timestamp this record was last updated |
UpdatedBy | User that updated this record last |
Active | If false, the alarm has been deleted from the current project. |
Alarm UDP
List all User Defined Properties that have been created for Alarms in the Sym3 Project. User Defined Properties are used to categorize alarms. Example “Zone”, “Category”, etc..
The DimAlarmTriggerAlarmUDP provides the list of all UDP values for each Alarm trigger.
This table is not used (reserved for future use).
Measure table that may be used to assist grouping of durations.
Measure table that may be used to assist grouping of dates.
System table holding the DB Schema version.