Version 8.13.2 - 19 November 2020

Bugs fixed

  • Many Sym3 applications that open a project file but do not have an editor, failed to open. This included the Alarm Server, MyEquipmentEditor and Sym3 Version Control. - [SUPPORT 1954]. [ref 23309]
  • In certain circumstances, when selecting an item in edit mode and moving it causes a crash. [ref 23256]
  • In some circumstances, selecting multiple objects and then trying to move them causes a crash. [ref 22911]
  • Changing the properties of a Sym3 Color object could either not be undone, or generates a large list of undo events. [ref 23209]
  • When the Sym3 Colors panel loses focus, the Undo keyboard shortcut, Ctrl-Z, does not work. [ref 23210]
  • Macros do not execute if no project have been created or opened since the application is started. [ref 23353]

Version 8.13.1 - 9 November 2020

Bugs fixed

  • [O] User accounts disappear when the total size of user data exceed a data transfer limit - [SUPPORT 1919]. [ref 22873]
  • [O] When conveyors do not run continuously, the speed tuning feature does not work [ref 23053]
  • [I O] An option has been added in the configuration of a TCP device. By default the maximum length of a custom message received by Sym3 is 2048 bytes. The option ReceiveBufferSize=4000 allows you to increase this buffer. - [SUPPORT 1937]. [ref 23186]
  • [I] Copy/Paste of equipment disabled while simulation is running to prevent unintended side effects - [SUPPORT 1871]. [ref 22272]
  • [D I O] Sometimes copying and pasting multiple items does not create all items correctly - [JIRA Sym3-371]. [ref 22680]
  • [D I O] On creating a new project, a “Menu” undo item appears in the undo history list [ref 23090]
  • [I] The undo history is not disabled during simulation causing outdated history items [ref 23166] [ref 23246]
  • [D I O] The Undo/Redo warning popup comes up after executing a macro and should appear before macro execution [ref 23208]
  • [O] Sometimes switching the camera view in the web client fails due to memory corruption - [SUPPORT 1912]. [ref 22689]
  • [D I O] Undoing a change to the conveyor mode does not re-activate the dependant property items in the property editor [ref 23203]
  • [D I O] CTRL-drag copy is now disabled when in edit mode to prevent confusing drag operations [ref 23207]
  • [D I O] Saying ‘No’ to the Undo/Redo warning when executing a macro causes the ‘Execute Macro’ menu item to be disabled [ref 23247]

Known Issues

  • Undo/Redo not supported on compound equipment (Vertical Sorter)
  • Occasional crashes with tilt tray sorter and cross belt sorter when changing properties

Version 8.13 - 31 October 2020

What’s new

  • Holding CTRL and dragging equipment now creates a new copy like Windows Explorer does with files.
  • We have added Undo/Redo capability.

Bugs fixed

  • [D I O] ‘Edit shoe diverters’ dialog does not show newly added diverters [ref 22691]
  • [D I] Cannot copy Barcode Scanner equipment parts - [JIRA Sym3-373]. [ref 22681]