Version 7.20 - Released 25th March 2019
What’s new
Simulation Script: in function MoveProduct, the target can now be null or an empty string. This will ‘detach’ the product from its parent. The position of the product will then be his latest known position. The example below shows how to detach the product and will show that the parent is empty. [ref 13411]
function DetachProduct() { // get current product position and parent: var pos = GetProductPosition(p); LogInfo(" before Product at " + "X: " + pos[0] + " Y: " + pos[1] + " Z: " + pos[2]); LogInfo("Parent = " + p.Parent); // detach product by settings the targe to null MoveProduct(p, null, 0); // get new product position and parent: var pos = GetProductPosition(p); LogDebug("after Product at " + "X: " + pos[0] + " Y: " + pos[1] + " Z: " + pos[2]); LogInfo("Done, Parent = " + p.Parent) }
Simulation Script: New function for Basic Shapes: Rotate. Previously it was possible to animate a basic shape only with translation (GoToPosition). It is now possible to rotate along X, Y and Z axis. Here is an example, but please see documentation for more examples. [ref 13411]
var basicShape1 = GetComponentByNameAndType("BasicShape1", "Basic Shape"); var basicShape2 = GetComponentByNameAndType("BasicShape2", "Basic Shape"); var basicShape3 = GetComponentByNameAndType("BasicShape3", "Basic Shape"); var basicShape4 = GetComponentByNameAndType("BasicShape4", "Basic Shape"); basicShape1.Rotate(-90, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0); basicShape2.Rotate(0, -90, 0, 0, 10, 0, OnCompleteRotation\_callback); basicShape3.Rotate(0, 0, 90, 0, 0, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5); basicShape4.Rotate(90, 90, 90, 10, 10, 10, OnCompleteRotation\_callback, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5); function OnCompleteRotation\_callback( sender, dir, tilt, roll) { LogDebug("OnCompleteRotation\_callback called name " + sender.Name + " dir=" + dir + " tilt=" + tilt + " roll=" + roll) }
Simulation Script: New function for Path: MoveAlongSectionWithDistance. Called to move an object along section for a certain distance and callback the function once reached the distance. [ref 13752]
var path1 = GetComponentByNameAndType ('Path1', "Path"); var path2 = GetComponentByNameAndType ('Path2', "Path"); path1.MoveAlongSectionWithDistance(1, ob1, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, false,10.0, MyCallback); path2.MoveAlongSectionWithDistance(1, ob2, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, true,7.0, MyCallback); function MyCallback(sender, sectionID, object, backward) { LogDebug("MyCallback: " + index); LogDebug("X: " + object.X + " Y: " + object.Y + " Z: " + object.Z); }
Bugs fixed
- PE ‘blocked’ state not correct when conveyor is using acceleration/deceleration [JIRA Sym3-243] [ref 12895]
- The product was stuck between 2 conveyors.[JIRA Sym3-253] [ref 12058]
- PE Sensor not working as expected when a Lateral offset is applied on product (in simulation script by using SetLateralOffset)[JIRA Sym3-281] [ref 13701]
- PE Sensor stays ‘blocked’ when using LogicalProcessor[JIRA Sym3-284] [ref 13710]
- Integrator - Logical Processor - UserPropertyEventCallback event: the callback is not working.[JIRA Sym3-283] [ref 13709]
- Integrator - Logical Processor - Changing the value of a ‘User Property’ in the property editor didn’t always work.[JIRA Sym3-247] [ref 12183]
- PE sensors on Shoe sorter were not working. The shoe sorter has been totally reviewed and now working with acceleration/deceleration.[JIRA Sym3-183] [ref 14243]
- GoToPosition - moving shape in multiple direction (x,y,z) together does not work [JIRA Sym3-275] [ref 12657]
- Simulation script: the ‘Color’ property of equipment were not consistent when using the default color. For example the Product was returning ‘undefined’ while the BasicShape was returning a string ‘Default Color’ [JIRA Sym3-294] [ref 14262]
- HighSpeedDiverter: ‘helicopter’ mode fixed. In some cases the diverter never stopped and was continuously rotating. [SUPPORT 1346] [ref 13671]
- Licensing: Random lost of license has been fixed. [ref 13818]
- Licensing: validation fails when Nalpeiron License data corrupted / access failed. [ref 12660]
- Licensing: Nalpeiron service is not installed anymore because it is not required with latest version. [ref 13802]
- Integrator: was crashing when having a CIP data source that is not reachable (wrong IP, or cannot ping) and a tag had an equipment property attached to it. [ref 12644]
- MyEquipment: rename after start and stop simulation does not work [ref 12360]
- MyEquipment: Sym3 Crash when selecting MyEquipment after saving and closing MyEquipment editor. [ref 13615]
- MyEquipment: Cannot apply negative value to Direction,Tilt and Roll property of equipment from shape. [ref 13607]
- Product Generator was crashing when creating product using a Shape with no .obj file configured. [ref 13444]
- Devices: custom messages were not received. [ref 13559]
- Integrator - Blockage issue, see JIRA for more information.[JIRA Sym3-267] [ref 12870]