[D I O] A new scripting function to ping an IPv4 address was added. See Ping [ref 23475]
[D I O] We’ve added database query support to scripts that allow users to connect and query databases. See Database and SetSQLCmdEx [ref 22774]
Bugs fixed
[O] Audio objects where not playing due to a file naming bug. - [SUPPORT 1967]. [ref 23521]
[O] Not all changes can be undone when making changes to the operator window layout using 2D components. [ref 23468]
[O] When deleting a 2D component from an operator window layout, a system crash results if the component had children. [ref 23457]
[O] When AlarmServer loads a new project, it fails to create alarm priorities and erases existing ones from the database. [ref 23445]
[D I O] When adding user properties and then adding new equipment without setting the property values, a NULL reference error is thrown when exporting properties. - [SUPPORT 1916]. [ref 22863]
[D I O] Opening projects with a large number of alarms and user properties would sometimes fail. [ref 22092]
[D I O] The ‘Show Target Area’ option did not work for Diverters. - [JIRA Sym3-204]. [ref 20832]
[D I O] Creating a product with- or manually setting a product identifier to a numeric value in a script now throws an exception instead of failing silently. - [SUPPORT 1953]. [ref 23319]
[D I O] Saving a project with a large number of product objects sometimes hangs during save. - [SUPPORT 1880]. [ref 22389]
[D I O] Label object text does not update in property editor when changed in a simulation script. - [SUPPORT 1846]. [ref 22011]
[D I O] The FreeRollerConveyor equipment does not hide the rollers when the layer it belongs to is disabled. - [SUPPORT 1887]. [ref 22437]