Version 7.16 - Released 10 April 2018


When upgrading Sym3, it is recommanded to first uninstall the previous version and then install the new one.

Bugs fixed

  • CIP datasource: Some data types were not supported. [JIRA Sym3-233]. [ref 11606]
  • Mitsubishi datasource: a memory leak has been fixed. [JIRA Sym3-229]. [ref 11609]
  • Mitsubishi datasource: Emulation mode, Input/Output issues. [JIRA Sym3-230]. [ref 11608]
  • Mitsubishi datasource: Emulation mode was crashing. [JIRA Sym3-231]. [ref 11607]
  • Conveyor: product was stuck when deccelerating with 2 different speed for each conveyors. [JIRA Sym3-223] and [JIRA Sym3-168]. [ref 11664]