Version 7.10 - Released 14th November 2017
What’s new
New Release: Sym3 Designer and Integrator will check at startup if a new release is available. If this is the case, a popup message will be displayed at startup on the bottom-right corner. Clicking on the message will bring you to the downlaod page. [ref 10666].
Scripting: ‘MoveProduct’ function used to move a product to a rack has been improved with optional parameters. It is now possible to position the product inside the cell. [ref 10591].
The default position (X=0.0; Y=0.0; Z=0.0) of a product is in the middle of the cell:The 6 new optional parameters are:
XOffset: X position of product inside the cell
YOffset: Y position of product inside the cell
ZOffset: Z position of product inside the cell
Direction: direction of product inside the cell (in degrees)
Tilt: tilt of product inside the cell (in degrees)
Roll: roll of product inside the cell (in degrees)
var column = 0; var row = 0; //-- create first product and move it to the rack var p1 = CreateProduct(); p1.Color = "Sym3 Red" MoveProduct(p1, "Rack1", column, row, -1, 0, 0, 45, 0, 0) //-- create first product and move it to the rack var p1 = CreateProduct(); p1.Color = "Sym3 Green" MoveProduct(p1, "Rack1", column, row, 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0) //-- create first product and move it to the rack var p2 = CreateProduct(); p2.Color = "Sym3 Blue" MoveProduct(p2, "Rack1", column, row, 1, 1, 0, 10, 0, 0)
MyMacros: Improvement of the MyMacros panel [ref 10667]:
- Ability to create an empty macro.
- Ability to delete a macro.
- Ability to open the containing folder
- Ability to edit the macro or all macros with Visual Studio Code if this is installed.Note: Microsoft Visual Studio is a free and powerful source code editor. You can download it for free here.
Polyline: New property in Visual category [ref 10584]. The polyline can be drawn with:
Quad: the size can be changed
Line: the size can not be changed and the line width will stay the same if you zoom in/out
Script: SetTimerEx: the callback was a string format. Now it can support a function directly and you can also use ’this.xxxxx.bind’ for object oriented scripting. [ref 10536]. Example:
SetTimerEx(1, 1000, OnTimerExpired, GetComponentByNameAndType("CC1", "Conveyor") ); function OnTimerExpired(timerId, object) { LogDebug("Timer " + timerId + " expires for " + object.Name); }
DeviceIO and Tags: If an equipment is associated to an IO/Tag, right-click on this IO/Tag and ‘Locate Equipment’ will locate the equipment in the 3D view and also display properties in property editor. [ref 10688] Note: For Tags, it is on for Integrator. In Operator we don’t have those properties.
Bugs fixed
MyEquipment: when the name of a MyEquipment add a ‘dash’ (-) in the name, all instances were not reloaded. [ref 10676]
PE sensor not bocked/unblocked accurately when on a Shoe Sorter. [ref 10319]. [JIRA Sym3-183]
Script: GoToPosition: this function didn’t support ’this.xxxxx.bind’ so we coudn’t do object oriented scripting. Example:
this.myShape.GoToPosition(destX, destY, destZ, 0, 0, verticalTravel, this.loadToDeposit.bind(this), [arrival], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5);