Version 7.7 - Released 12th September 2017 - Sym3 Designer and Integrator Only
What’s new
- Operator - Accumulation support on conveyors. [ref 10025]
- Conveyor Controller: New equipment (Please note that still in Beta and documentation not done). [ref 9868]
Bugs fixed
- Operator - flashing color on 2D control not working when using binding. [ref 10099]
- MC Driver: live value update issue. [ref 10106]
- Update documentation: Can’t rename product in simulation script. [ref 10123]
- GoToPosition: not working in imperial. [ref 10124]
- Operator Client: focus issue. [ref 10125]
- Operator - ability to add a menu to a product. [ref 10126]
- Operator - Alarm Grid - Filtering with %% not resolved. [ref 10145]
- Operator - Flashing color doesn’t work. [ref 10167]
- Operator - Controls, Menus and Hotkey all used to log an event by default. [ref 10168]
- Operator - Cannot Import MYEquipment in editor. [ref 10225]
- Failed to set product properties via Product Schedule and ‘OnProductCreate’. [ref 10231]
- Sym3 Integrator crashes while focus is not moved using UDP. [ref 10257]
- Designer and Integrator - The Delete All Product button shoud be enabled when the simulation is paused. [ref 1970]
- Operator - Bad quality color doesn’t work. [ref 9774]
- Operator - MyEquipment: Cannot create templates. [ref 9962]
- Flashing color not working on MyEquipment part. [ref 10071]
- Rack: delete product from rack: product still here. [ref 10087]
- Huge slowdown opening models with lots of equipment. [ref 10281]