Version 7.23 - Released 17 June 2019
What’s new
Integrator: Conveyor: an Encoder has been added to the conveyor to calculate the distance travelled. By default this ‘Encoder’ is not enabled. User need to enable it in Property Editor like this:
In Simulation script the property is called ‘DistanceTravelled’ of type unsigned int 32bit and is read only. The value is in millimeter (or inches with imperial project):
var c1 = GetComponentByNameAndType("Conveyor1", "Conveyor"); LogDebug("Distance Travelled millimeter: " + c1.DistanceTravelled);
This new property can be used in Device IOs and Tags:
[JIRA Sym3-306] [ref 15074]
Integrator: CrossBeltSorter: just like the conveyor above, an Encoder has been added to the cross belt sorter:
And it can also be used in Simulation Script, Device IOs and Tags.
[JIRA Sym3-306] [ref 15076]
Integrator: Divert Rule: add a new parameter called “Max Discharge/minute”. [ref 15179]
If user tick this option the following rule is applied:
"From the Max number of items per minutes, calculate the time interval between each item and disallow discharge if an item is presented at the chute in a time shorter than the interval after the previous item was discharged."
"10 items per minute: interval: 6 seconds. If an item is discharged at time T, no other item can be discharge before T + 6 seconds"
Bugs fixed
- Datasource - Mitsubishi: Sym3 Integrator didn’t handle well tags using 2 (or more) MELSEC datasources using same IP address (same PLC) but different port in PLC program. [JIRA Sym3-209] [ref 15184]