Version 7.19 - HOTFIX 1 - Released 11th September 2018
The version 7.19 introduced a regression in simulation script function ‘GoToPosition’ (Moving Basic Shapes on 2 different axis was broken). The ‘Hotfix1’ fixes this issue. [JIRA Sym3-275]
What’s new
Simulation script new function: GetProjectDirectory(). This function returns the directory where the current project is located. Will returns an empty string if the project has not been saved yet.
var dir = GetProjectDirectory(); var handle = OpenFileForReading(dir + "ChutesMap.csv");
Bugs fixed
- Integrator - Logical Processor - Device - Event not received.[JIRA Sym3-250] [ref 12116]
- Integrator - Logical Processor - Scripting - OnDeviceConnectionChanged event not working.[JIRA Sym3-249] [ref 12115]
- In DeviceIOs grid, the editor was crashing when sorting comments (By clicking on the column) [ref 12117]
- PropertyEditor: cannot use decimal values in grid, for example: layers, to apply an offset value.[JIRA Sym3-258] [ref 12146]
- Replay crash for specific project, because of deleting and recreating equipment mainly freeform conveyors[SUPPORT 207] [ref 11997]
- Selection by box issue, rotates 3d View.[JIRA Sym3-262] [ref 12196]
- Crash when deleting an equipment in a specific project[JIRA Sym3-265] [ref 12194 and 12106]
- Script Function GoToPosition: does not reach target speed with acceleration/deceleration[JIRA Sym3-226] [ref 11383]
- Blockage function issue: when add the blockage to the conveyor which got no destination, the product will not be accumulated when enable accumulation.[JIRA Sym3-267] [ref 12448]
Known issues
- Sym3 Integrator is crashing when a project contains a Data Source of type CIP Allen-Bradley with an IP address that is not reachable and also contain tags with binding on equipment.