Version 7.14 - Released 28 February 2018 (Integrator)

What’s new

  • Scripting: ‘SetTagValue’ can now directly use the tag name to change the value of a tag. [JIRA Sym3-211]. [ref 11367]

    Previous way to set a tag value:

    //-- subscribe to tag
    var tagId = SubscribeToTag("Tag1", 500, null, Tag1ValueChanged)
    //-- set value = 5
    SetTagValue(tagId, 5);
    //-- unsubscribe to tag

    Now you can set a tag in one line of code

    //-- set value = 5
    SetTagValue("Tag1", 5);
  • Scripting: ‘GetTagValue’ can now directly get the value of a tag without having to subscribe. [ref 11367]

    Now you can get a tag value in one line of code

        //-- Get tag value
        var value = GetTagValue("Tag1");
  • Scripting: New function ‘Seek’ to quickly sets the file’s current position. [JIRA Sym3-205]. [ref 11164]


    function OnSimulationStart()
        // Open file for reading
        var handle = OpenFileForReading("C:\\Temp\\ChutesMap.csv");
        // Seek from beginning of file
        Seek(handle, 200000, 0);
        var \_line = ReadLine(handle);
        LogDebug("Seek from beginning of file: " + \_line);
        // Seek from current position of file
        Seek(handle, 299999, 1);
        var \_line1 = ReadLine(handle);
        LogDebug("Seek from current position of file: " + \_line1);
        // Seek from end of file
        Seek(handle, 200000, 2);
        var \_line2 = ReadLine(handle);
        LogDebug("Seek from end of file: " + \_line2);
  • Scripting: New function ‘CreateRangeBlockage’ to create a blockage on a straight conveyor between two distances. [JIRA Sym3-170]. [ref 11288]

    blockagehandle CreateRangeBlockage (Double distanceFrom, Double distanceTo, Integer blockagehandle)

    All products contained or partially contained in the zone [DistanceFrom - DistanceTo] will be blocked. DistanceFrom and DistanceTo are set in the current unit (meter or feet).


    var conveyor = GetComponentByNameAndType("Conveyor1", "Conveyor");
    var conveyorBlockageHandle = conveyor.CreateRangeBlockage(2, 4);   
  • Scripting: New function ‘GetProductPosition’ to get the absolute position of any product at any moment. [JIRA Sym3-219]. [ref 10963]

    This function will return an array of three floating values representing X, Y and Z position.


    var pos = GetProductPosition(product);
    LogDebug("Product at  " + "X: " + pos[0] + " Y: " +  pos[1] + " Z: " + pos[2]);
  • The origin of the ‘Rack’ equipment has been changed like this: [JIRA Sym3-190]. [ref 11295]

  • Device: a TCP client can now specify which local IP address from which the device makes the connection. This option has been added for PC containing multiple network adapter with different IP address. [JIRA Sym3-184]. [ref 11296]

  • CIP Datasource: Sym3 now supports Omron PLCs (Omron NJ Series). Previously, only Allen-Bradley PLCs were supported. [JIRA Sym3-136]. [ref 10944]

Bugs fixed

  • The minimum value for the radius of a curve conveyor or a spiral chute was not correct in imperial unit . [JIRA Sym3-198]. [ref 10948]
  • Renaming a MyEquipment instance didn’t renamed all children. [JIRA Sym3-208]. [ref 10819]
  • PESensor stayed blocked on a chute with accumulation. [JIRA Sym3-212]. [ref 10823]
  • Devices of type TCP. Autoconnect flag didn’t stop auto-connection. [JIRA Sym3-227]. [ref 11276]
  • A bug has been fixed regarding the validation of device IOs. [ref 10813]
  • Templates: X-Ray Machine didn’t have any statis or binding properties. [ref 10806]
  • Device IOs were not working with User Defined Properties. [ref 10814]
  • Sym3 Replay: a crash has been fixed when a recording was corrupted. [ref 10514]
  • Sym3 Replay: a bug has been fixed on the button state (Play/Stop). [ref 10515]
  • Sym3 Replay: a crash has been fixed on a specific project. [ref 10091]
  • Sym3 Replay with Operator was crashing. [ref 10774]
  • Copy/Paste color was chaging whole project default colors. [ref 10890]
  • MyEquipment from shape: For each instance of this type, visibility and color were not updated while changing with Property Editor. [ref 11380]