Version 8.3 - Released 17th January 2020
What’s new
Product Schedule - Using the new “Stepped Rates” profile, a “Loop” option has been added and is ticked by default. When all the steps are finished, it will loop again and repeat indefinitively. [JIRA Sym3-236] [ref 18053]
Simulation script: the existing function SetSQLCmdEx can now have the callback parameter as a function (it can be a string or a function). [ref 17442].
function MyFunction() { var db = GetDatabaseById(0); SetSQLCmdEx(db, 100, "SELECT * from testTable", callback) } function callback(id,result) { LogDebug("Callback executed: " + id) LogDebug("Result: " + result) }
Simulation script: add function GetCurrentSpeed() for Cross Belt Sorter. This function existed for conveyors and shoe sorters. Working in metrics and imperial units. [ref 17836]
var CBS1 = GetComponentByNameAndType("CrossBeltSorter1", "Cross Belt Sorter") var speed = CBS1.GetCurrentSpeed();
Simulation script: add four functions for Products ClearDestination(), SetMaxDestinationData(value), ClearScreeningResults(), SetMaxScreeningResults(value). [ref 18303, 18337, 18328]
product.ClearDestination(); // this call will clear the "DestinationData" property product.ClearScreeningResults(); // this call will clear the "ScreeningData" property product.SetMaxDestinationData(10); // this call will limit the number of destination data, adding a new value will remove the oldest one product.SetMaxScreeningResults(10); // this call will limit the number of destination data, adding a new value will remove the oldest one
License Manager: Sym3 Integrator can not be activated on a virtual machine. On a normal PC, if the option “Hyper-V” is installed, then the PC is seen as a virtual machine and Sym3 Integrator cannot be activated. We added a warning the the License Manager to inform the user that “Hyper-V” is installed on his computer. [ref 17709]
Sym3 Operator: few server optimisations have been done, mainly to decrease the starting/loading time. [ref 18547]
Sym3 Operator: New control “Gauge”. This control will display the value of a tag (Binding the value to a tag) [ref 17105]
Sym3 Operator: New control “Chart”. This control will display the value of a tag in a chart (Binding the value to a tag) [ref 18398]
Sym3 Operator Web Client: A new button has been added to change the navigation mode. The choice can be “Sym3” mode or “Map” mode based on Google Maps navigation mode. By default the client is using “Sym3” mode. [ref 18464]
New Object: “Web Service”. Sym3 can now host a web service and receive web requests and execute a simulation script function. [ref 18107]
Creation from the “Project Explorer”:
Properties: port and name of smulation script that will be called:
Example of simulation script callback function:
function OnWebRequestPort8501(sender, param) { LogDebug("test1 called " + param); }
Bugs fixed
In Integrator, a wrong PE Sensor was blocked. [JIRA Sym3-337] [ref 18370]
Scripting: an important memory leak has been fixed. The leak was created everytime when using the function SetTimerEx. Now when the callback is called, Sym3 releases the timer resources. [ref 18391]
An issue has been fixed regarding a wrong position of a product in a rack. [JIRA Sym3-228] [ref 17742]
The divertion of products on the Shoe Sorter was not accurate. [JIRA Sym3-316] [ref 17803]
Diverter. When the left and right source of a diverter were the same, match source speed did not work.[JIRA Sym3-228] [ref 18004]
Match source speed diverter didn’t reschedule correctly if speed was changed during approach. [ref 18375]
Simulation script: the function GetCurrentSpeed() for conveyors was not working in imperial mode. [ref 17801]
Simulation script: the function GetCurrentSpeed() for she sorters was not working in imperial mode. [ref 17835]
Simulation script: functions SetDestination() and SetScreeningResult() for Product: improve the error message in the message viewer when using a wrong parameter type. [ref 17940]
Simulation script: A memory leak has been fixed using SetTimerEx. In previous version, to avoid this memory leak, you have to call “KillTimer” function at the end of the callback function triggered by the timer. [ref 18391]
Simulation script: Updating the target speed in simulation script (when Mode is “Use Time (in seconds)), it didn’t update the acceleration. Was for ShoeSorter and Conveyors and CrossBeltSorters. [ref 17796, 17759, 17795]
Sym3 Operator Web client: the button ‘Disable Animation’ was freezing the 3D graphics. This button has been removed. [ref 16662]
Sym3 Operator Web client: A tooltip attached to a product was changing color when product was changing color. This has been fixed. [ref 17125]
Sym3 Operator Web Client: IIS Error 0x800700b7. The issue was coming from mimeMap already defined. Te web.config has been modified to fix this issue. [WEB-8]. [ref 17828]
Simulation script. MyEquipment functions “SetPartColor” and “SetPartVisible” were not working on a new project. It was working after saving/loading the project. Also functions “SetColor” and “SetVisible” were documented but were not working. [SUPPORT 1500] [ref 18072]
OPC UA: a new tag created while Sym3 was connected was not detected in Sym3. Now, after the tag is created and after a delay, the tag has a value filled in. It’s quality is GOOD and its value is correct. [ref 18135]