Version 9.13 - 1st October 2022
What’s new
[O] Import Alarms, A new import option called “Merge and Clean” has been added to Sym3 Operator Editor. This 3rd option will merge alarms with the same name (while maintaining it’s ID), it will add new alarms not in the project file, and will remove alarms in the project file that are not in the CSV import file. - [IDEA 49] [ref 30871]
[O] Sym3 web client now supports the option to require authentication. [ref 30824]
[I] Performance improvements for physics equipment. [ref 30936, 30989]
Bugs fixed
[I O] Copy/Paste Diverter - A new diverter created from copy/paste now excludes old connection and pe sensor data. - [SUPPORT 2073] [ref 25236]
[O] Operator Web Client - Fixed Sym3.js error “Uncaught ReferenceError: setPropsEvent is not defined” when invoking “SetOnEquipmentUserPropertiesChange” function. - [SUPPORT 3530] [ref 30901]
[I O] TransferUnit - Fixed transfer issue from Transfer Conveyor to Straight Conveyor. - [SUPPORT 3500] [ref 30746]
[I O] TransferUnit - Fixed child conveyor name doesn’t follow parent’s name. - [SUPPORT 3519] [ref 30759]
[I O] TransferUnit - Fixed layers not assigned correctly after project is reopened. - [ref 30891]
[I] Chute - OnProductRemoved will not be triggered when the product is stopped and still on the Chute. - [SUPPORT 3539] [ref 30915]
[I] Physics Basic Shape - The Diameter property can now be modified via simulation script. [ref 30842]
[I O] Group move now correctly translates the position of each object. - [SUPPORT 2441] [ref 30360]
[I O] Project Merge - Fixed issue with Merge Project resetting the radius of the Curved Conveyor to its default value. - [JIRA Sym3-429] [ref 30938]
[O] EventLogs - Fixed missing event logs issue. - [SUPPORT 3476] [ref 30635]
[I O] Macro API Documentation - Removed “CreateAttachedLabel()”, “DeleteAttachedLabel()” and “AttachedLabel” functions and properties from the IBaseEquipment Macro API Documentation. This has been removed because this method causes the editor to crash either immediately, or later when the equipment properties are modified. - [SUPPORT 3521] [ref 30806]
[I O] Chute - Chutes PESensors property will return the array of PEs - [Support 3527] - [SUPPORT 3527] [ref 30846]
[I O] Merge - Fixed cannot modify BTS Equipments PE Sensor direction. - [SUPPORT 3526] [ref 30845]
[O] Sym3 now correctly resolves 3D label expressions with language bindings. - [SUPPORT 3481] [ref 30649]
[I O] Macro API Documentation - Removed “CreateAttachedLabel()”, “DeleteAttachedLabel()” and “AttachedLabel” functions and properties from the IBaseEquipment Macro API Documentation. This has been removed because this method causes the editor to crash either immediately, or later when the equipment properties are modified. - [SUPPORT 3521] [ref 30806]
[O] Operator Web Client - The product tracking label now updates and displays correctly when the product’s user properties are changed. - [SUPPORT 3520] [ref 30808]
[I O] Fixed “set Visible” property for all UI IControl Objects. Setting Visible=false will now reflect in Operator Client correctly. - [SUPPORT 2471] [ref 30628]
[O] Alarms - Fixed slowness when all alarms are Acknowledged. - [ref 28798]
[O] Fixed signing out of SCADA clients not changing the user label. - [SUPPORT 3475] [ref 30634]
[I O] TransferUnit - Fixed product orientation when transferring product. - [ref 31036]
[I O] Conveyor - Fixed Acceleration / Deceleration calculation issue. - [JIRA Sym3-431] [ref 31020]
[I O] Products blocked on a conveyor now correctly move away when the conveyor is reversed. - [JIRA Sym3-430] [ref 31019]