Operator Server Distance Unit

Previously Operator Server was disregarding project setting of distance unit and loading all the project in metrics unit. As a result in simulation script, distance property values of all the equipment are in meters and when a value is set to a distance property Sym3 asumes that the value is in meters. But in 9.19.4 and onwards, Operator Server will load the project according to its distance settings.

Note : This change will not affect Sym3 Designer and Integrator as both are already loading the project according to its distance settings. This change will also not affect Operator Project with metrics unit.

Backward Compatibility

This change will only affect the project with Imperial units and its not backward compatible. If the value of distance property is read or modified in simulation script of project with imperial units, Sym3 will now handle the value as feet not meters

For example, before 9.19.4

var obj = GetComponentByNameAndType("MyEquipment", "Basic Shape")
obj.Width = 10

var obj = GetComponentByNameAndType("Conveyor1", "Conveyor")
obj.Length = 11;

Results in:

	1. Setting the Width of MyEquipment to 10 meters.
	2. Setting the Length of Conveyor1 to 11 meters	

9.19.4 and onwards, the result will be as follows

	1. Setting the Width of MyEquipment to 10 feet.
	2. Setting the Length of Conveyor1 to 11 feet