Width |
Number |
Gets/Sets the Width of the Rack in metres (default 3) |
Length |
Number |
Gets/Sets the Length of the Rack in metres (default 50) |
Height |
Number |
Gets/Sets the Height of the Rack in metres (default 50) |
CellGap |
Number |
Gets/Sets the cell spacing (wall) in metres (default 0.05) |
NumCellH |
Integer |
Gets/Sets the number of horizontal cells in the Rack (default 25) |
NumCellV |
Integer |
Gets/Sets the number of vertical cells of the Rack (default 25) |
ProductCount |
Integer |
Gets the total number of Products in the Rack |
Color |
String |
Gets/Sets the name of the color of the equipment |
Visible |
Boolean |
Gets/Sets the visibility of the equipment |