FreeRollerConveyor Properties

Name Type Description
ProductCount Integer Gets the number of products currently on the free roller conveyor
PreviousConnection Connection Gets previous connection objecT
Products Array of Product Gets an array of products that are currently on the free roller conveyor
PESensors Array of PE Sensor Gets an array of PESensors that are on the free roller conveyor
Length Number Gets/Sets the length of the free roller conveyor
RollersColor String Gets/Sets the name of the color of the rollers
BaseColor String Gets/Sets the name of the color of the base
LeftSidePanelColor String Gets/Sets the name of the color of the left side panel rollers
RightSidePanelColor String Gets/Sets the name of the color of the right side panel rollers
RollersVisible Boolean Gets/Sets the visibility of the surface
BaseVisible Boolean Gets/Sets the visibility of the base
LeftSidePanelVisible Boolean Gets/Sets the visibility of the left side panel
RightSidePanelVisible Boolean Gets/Sets the visibility of the right side panel