Basicshape: Rotate

This function rotates the basic shape to the specified direction, tilt and roll coordinate, the specified direction, tilt and roll speeds,callbackfunction is called,direction, tilt and roll Ac is the acceleration of specific rotation and direction, tilt and roll Dec is the deceleration of specific rotation


void Rotate(direction, tilt, roll, dirSpeed, tiltSpeed, rollSpeed);

void Rotate(direction, tilt, roll, dirSpeed, tiltSpeed, rollSpeed, dirAcc, dirDec, tiltAcc, tiltDec, rollAcc, rollDec);

void Rotate(direction, tilt, roll, dirSpeed, tiltSpeed, rollSpeed,CallbackFunction);

void Rotate(direction, tilt, roll, dirSpeed, tiltSpeed, rollSpeed,CallbackFunction, dirAcc, dirDec, tiltAcc, tiltDec, rollAcc, rollDec);


Name Type Description
Direction Number The direction of the target position
Tilt Number The tilt of the target position
Roll Number The roll of the target position
dirSpeed Number The speed of direction rotation
tiltSpeed Number The speed of tilt rotations
rollSpeed Number The speed of roll rotation
CallbackFunction Function Callback function will be called
dirAcc Number Acceleration of direction rotation
dirDec Number Deceleration of direction rotation
tiltAcc Number Acceleration of tilt rotation
tiltDec Number Deceleration of tilt rotation
rollAcc Number Acceleration of roll rotation
rollDec Number Deceleration of roll rotation

Return Value



function OnSimulationStart()

 function InitAnimation()
    //-- get basic shapes
    _basicShape1 = GetComponentByNameAndType("BasicShape1", "Basic Shape");
    _basicShape1.X = 0.0
    _basicShape1.Y = 0.0

    _basicShape2 = GetComponentByNameAndType("BasicShape2", "Basic Shape");
    _basicShape2.X = 2.0
    _basicShape2.Y = 0.0

    _basicShape3 = GetComponentByNameAndType("BasicShape3", "Basic Shape");
    _basicShape3.X = 4.0
    _basicShape3.Y = 0.0

    _basicShape4 = GetComponentByNameAndType("BasicShape4", "Basic Shape");
    _basicShape4.X = 6.0
    _basicShape4.Y = 0.0

    _basicShape5 = GetComponentByNameAndType("BasicShape5", "Basic Shape");
    _basicShape5.X = 8.0
    _basicShape5.Y = 0.0

    _basicShape6 = GetComponentByNameAndType("BasicShape6", "Basic Shape");
    _basicShape6.X = 10.0
    _basicShape6.Y = 0.0

    _basicShape7 = GetComponentByNameAndType("BasicShape7", "Basic Shape");
    _basicShape7.X = 12.0
    _basicShape7.Y = 0.0

    _basicShape8 = GetComponentByNameAndType("BasicShape8", "Basic Shape");
    _basicShape8.X = 14.0
    _basicShape8.Y = 0.0

 function StartAnimation()
    SubscribeToEvent("OnArrivePosition", _basicShape7.Name, "Basic Shape", "OnArrivePosition_callbackFromEvent");

 function OnArrivePosition_callback( sender, x, y, z)
    LogDebug("-> OnArrivePosition_callback " + sender.Name + " Arrived x=" + x + " y=" + y + " z=" + z)

 function OnArrivePosition_callbackFormEvent( sender, x, y, z)
    LogDebug("-> OnArrivePosition_callbackFormEvent " + sender.Name + " Arrived x=" + x + " y=" + y + " z=" + z)

 function Move()
    //-- Default
    _basicShape1.GoToPosition(0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 1);

    //-- Default with Acceleration deceleration
    _basicShape2.GoToPosition(2, 0, 5, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5); 

    //-- With callback
    _basicShape3.GoToPosition(4, 0, 5, 0, 0, 1, OnArrivePosition_callback);

    //-- With callback and Acceleration deceleration
    _basicShape4.GoToPosition(6, 0, 5, 0, 0, 1, OnArrivePosition_callback, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5); 

    //-- with callback, interval
    _basicShape5.GoToPosition(8, 0, 5, 0, 0, 1, OnArrivePosition_callback, 500);

    //-- With callback ,interval and Acceleration deceleration
    _basicShape6.GoToPosition(10, 0, 5, 0, 0, 1, OnArrivePosition_callback, 500, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5);

    //-- With callback, offset
    _basicShape7.GoToPosition(12, 0, 5, 0, 0, 1, OnArrivePosition_callback, [3000,2000,1000,500]);

    //-- With callback, offset and acceleration deceleration
    _basicShape8.GoToPosition(14, 0, 5, 0, 0, 1, OnArrivePosition_callback, [3000,2000,1000,500], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5); 