PhysicsPESensor: OnProductsOverlap

When a product blocking a sensor causes there to be more than one blocking product, this event will be invoked. It is invoked when a product overlaps the sensor while one or more products are already blocking it.

Note: OnProductsOverlap does not support multiple subscriptions. Only the most recent subscription will be called.


void xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(sender: PhysicsPESensor, products: Product[]);


Name Type Description
sender PhysicsPESensor The sensor that is being overlapped.
product Product[] An array of the products currently blocking the sensor. This includes the product that triggered this event, along with any products that were already blocking the sensor.


function OnSimulationStart()
    SubscribeAll("OnProductsOverlap", "Physics PE Sensor", OnProductsOverlap);

function OnProductsOverlap(sensor, products)
    LogDebug(`${sensor.Name} is being blocked by ${products.length} products:`);
    for (let i = 0; i < products.length; ++i) {
        LogDebug(`Product ${i}: ${products[i].Name}.`);