
This function sets the current position of this fileHandle to the given offset according to whence which is optional. By default whence is 0.


void Seek(fileHandle: Integer, offset: iIteger, whence: Integer (OPTIONAL));


Name Type Description
fileHandle Integer The handle of the file which to be associate (the handle is returned by OpenFileForReading)
offset Integer Integer Offset value to set the current position
whence Integer Position used as reference for the offset. It is specified by one of the following to be used as arguments for this function:
  • 0 - Seek from beginning of file (default)
  • 1 - Seek from current position of file
  • 2 - Seek from end of file

Return Value



function OnSimulationStart()
    // Open file for reading
    var handle = OpenFileForReading("C:\\Data\\ChutesMap.csv");
    //Seek from beginning of file
    Seek(handle, 200000, 0);
    var _line = ReadLine(handle);
    LogDebug("Seek from beginning of file: " + _line);
    //Seek from current position of file
    Seek(handle, 299999, 1);
    var _line1 = ReadLine(handle);
    LogDebug("Seek from current position of file: " + _line1);
    //Seek from end of file
    Seek(handle, 200000, 2);
    var _line2 = ReadLine(handle);
    LogDebug("Seek from end of file: " + _line2);