Physics Conveyor Properties

Name Type Description
Running Boolean When set to true, the conveyor will accelerate to match the TargetSpeed property. Otherwise, it will decelerate towards 0.
StartStopRequest Boolean Sets/gets the Running property.
TargetSpeed Number The speed that the conveyor is accelerating or decelerating towards, if running.
Reverse Boolean If true, the conveyor will be moving backwards when it is at its TargetSpeed
Products Array An array of all the products that are presently on this conveyor. Note that unlike standard conveyors, a product can be on multiple physics conveyors at once.
Acceleration Number The rate used to increase the speed towards the target speed over time. In project units (meters or feet) per second squared. If this is written to, AccelerationInSeconds will be updated appropriately.
Deceleration Number The rate used to decrease the speed towards zero when the conveyor isn’t running. In project units (meters or feet) per second squared. If this is written to, DecelerationInSeconds will be updated appropriately.
UseAccelerationInTimeMode Boolean New in V9.9. Default is true i.e ‘Use Time (in seconds)’. Controls what is displayed in the UI. If this is true, changing the target speed will change the Acceleration and Deceleration appropriately. If it’s false, changing the target speed will change the AccelerationInSeconds and DecelerationInSeconds properties appropriately.
AccelerationInSeconds Number New in V9.9. Gets/Sets the simple acceleration time in seconds to reach the target speed from zero. If this is written to, Acceleration will be set appropriately.
DecelerationInSeconds Number New in V9.9. Gets/Sets the simple deceleration time in seconds to reach zero from the target speed. If this is written to, Deceleration will be set appropriately.
PreviousConnection Connection Read only. The connection object of the source transport, if any.
NextConnection Connection Read only. The connection object of the destination transport, if any.
Length Number The length of the conveyor, in project units (meters or feet).
SurfaceColor String The color of the surface. Use the name, e.g. “Sym3 Red”.
BaseColor String The color of the base. Use the name, e.g. “Sym3 Red”.
LeftSidePanelColor String The color of the left side panel. Use the name, e.g. “Sym3 Red”.
RightSidePanelColor String The color of the right side panel. Use the name, e.g. “Sym3 Red”.
LineColor String The color of the lines on the surface. Use the name, e.g. “Sym3 Red”.
SurfaceVisible Boolean The visibility of the surface (does not include the lines).
BaseVisible Boolean The visibility of the base.
LeftSidePanelVisible Boolean The visibility of the left side panel.
LeftSidePanelHeight Number Default 0.3 meters. Height in project units (meters or feet) of the left side panel.
LeftSidePanelWidth Number Default 0.04 meters. Width in project units (meters or feet) of the left side panel.

Note that only the inner side of a side panel collides with physics products.
RightSidePanelHeight Number Default 0.3 meters. Height in project units (meters or feet) of the right side panel.
RightSidePanelWidth Number Default 0.04 meters. Width in project units (meters or feet) of the right side panel.

Note that only the inner side of a side panel collides with physics products.
RightSidePanelVisible Boolean The visibility of the right side panel.
LineVisible Boolean The visibility of the lines on the surface of the conveyor.
EncoderEnabled Boolean New in V9.8. If set to true, the DistanceTravelled property will be calculated by the transporter.
DistanceTravelled Number New in V9.8. Gets the distance travelled by the transporter since the start of the simulation, measured in millimeters for metric(meters) and inches for imperial(feet) units
MaxDistanceTravelled Number New in V9.8. Gets/Sets the max value for DistanceTravelled by the transporter in the currently defined system units. When transporter reaches the max value, the distance travelled counter will restart from 0
Friction Number New in V9.8. Gets/Sets the friction value of the conveyor. See the equipment documentation for more details.