Conveyor Properties

Name Type Description
ProductCount Integer Gets the number of products currently on the conveyor
Speed Number DEPRECATED. Please use TargetSpeed
DefaultSpeed Number Gets/Sets the default speed of the conveyor. Can not be zero
BeltDirectionAngle Number Gets/Sets the belt direction angle (in degrees) when using the Skew mode. Default is 30 degrees
Running Boolean Gets/Sets the running state of the conveyor
Reverse Boolean Gets/Sets the travel direction of the conveyor
PreviousConnection Connection Gets previous connection object
NextConnection Connection Gets next connection object
Products Array Gets an array of products that are currently on the conveyor
PESensors Array Gets an array of PESensors that are on the conveyor
OperationMode String Gets/Sets the Operation Mode of the conveyor. Can be one of the following string:
  • “”: Manual
  • “ScreeningStationController”: Screening Station
  • “CascadeController”: Cascade
  • “MergeSourceController”: Window Reservation
  • “InductorController”: Inductor
  • “ExternalController”: External Control
StartDelay Number Gets/Sets the delay in milliseconds before the conveyor cascade starts
Indexing Boolean Gets/Sets the indexing mode for a cascade conveyor
IndexingGap Number Gets/Sets the Distance between bags when the conveyor is indexing
Metering Boolean Gets/Sets the metering mode for a cascade conveyor
UseHeadToHead Boolean Gets/Sets the metering mode to ensure a minimum distance between product heads
HeadToHead Number Gets/Sets the distance to use if UseHeadToHead is true
UseHeadToTail Boolean Gets/Sets the metering mode to ensure a minimum distance between products from tail of the first product to head of the following product
HeadToTail Number Gets/Sets the distance to use if UseHeadToTail is true
ClearanceTime Number Gets/Sets the number of seconds the conveyor stops at each product when OperationMode is set to “Screening Station”
Priority Number In Window Reservation mode, a higher number means a higher priority. Priority only applies when there are two or more conveyors ‘competing’ for the same window.
IsFixedWindow Boolean Gets/Sets the use of a fixed window length in “Window Reservation” mode
FixedWindowLength Number Gets/Sets the length of the reservation window when IsFixedWindow is set to true
Length Number Gets/Sets the length of the conveyor
Width Number Gets/Sets the width of the conveyor
Height Number Gets/Sets the height of the conveyor
SidePanelWidth Number Gets/Sets the side panel width of the conveyor
SidePanelHeight Number Gets/Sets the side panel height of the conveyor
AccumulationEnabled Boolean Gets/Sets the Conveyor to accumulate product (behave like a Chute) instead of overlapping them when the destination Conveyor stops. Only in Manual mode.
AccelerationEnabled Boolean Gets/Sets the Conveyor to accelerate/decelerate to the target (default) speed using the acceleration/deceleration values set. Only in Manual mode.
StartStopRequest Boolean Gets/Sets the Conveyor to gradually start or stop
Acceleration Number Gets/Sets the Conveyor acceleration value in the units chosen when the project was created (metres or feet) / second squared. Can not be zero
Deceleration Number Gets/Sets the Conveyor deceleration value in the units chosen when the project was created (metres or feet) / second squared. Can not be zero
UseAccelerationInTimeMode Boolean New in V8.3. Default is true i.e ‘Use Time (in seconds)’. Allows the selection of the acceleration time in Speed/Time or a simple time in seconds to reach the speed.
AccelerationInSeconds Number New in V8.3. Gets/Sets the simple acceleration time in seconds to reach the speed
DecelerationInSeconds Number New in V8.3. Gets/Sets the simple deceleration time in seconds to reach the speed
SurfaceColor String Gets/Sets the name of the color of the surface
BaseColor String Gets/Sets the name of the color of the base
LeftSidePanelColor String Gets/Sets the name of the color of the left side panel
RightSidePanelColor String Gets/Sets the name of the color of the right side panel
LineColor String Gets/Sets the name of the color of the line
SurfaceVisible Boolean Gets/Sets the visibility of the surface
BaseVisible Boolean Gets/Sets the visibility of the base
LeftSidePanelVisible Boolean Gets/Sets the visibility of the left side panel
RightSidePanelVisible Boolean Gets/Sets the visibility of the right side panel
LineVisible Boolean Gets/Sets the visibility of the line
EncoderEnabled Boolean New in V7.23. Gets/Sets to enable the calculation of DistanceTravelled by transporter
DistanceTravelled Number New in V7.23. Gets the distance travelled by the transporter since the simulation is started, measured in millimeter for metric(metres) and inches for imperial(feet) units
MaxDistanceTravelled Number New in V8.0. Gets/Sets Max value for distance Travel by the transporter in the currently defined system units
Arc Number New in V9.19.2. Gets the arc of the curved conveyor in degrees.
Radius Number New in V9.19.2. Gets the radius of a curved conveyor.
SpiralHeight Number In V10.0.0. Gets the height of a spiral conveyor (ie difference in Z coordinate between the start and end of the conveyor) in the units chosen when the project was created. (metres or feet)
KeepProductOrientation Boolean Gets/Sets whether the conveyor maintains product orientation after transfer.