CrossBeltSorter: SubscribeOnBeltBlocking

Called to subscribe the belt blocking event, if the belt block/detect at given distance, the callback function gets execute


integer blockHandle SubscribeOnBeltBlocking(callback: function, distance: double);


Name Type Description
callback Integer The callback function which need to execute when belt block.
distance Integer The distance that belt get block/detect. The distance should measure from sorter initial point.

Return Value

integer blockhandle. The blockhandle can be use to unsubscribe blocking events.

Callback Signature

void xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(sender: object, beltIndex: integer, product: Product)
Name Type Description
sender Object The object associated with the subscribe blocking event.
beltIndex Integer The index of the belt which get block/detect.
product Product The product object if the belt carried it or can be null (if empty).


var cbs;
var handle1;
var handle2;
var count = 0;
var count1 = 0;

function OnSimulationStart() {

    cbs = GetComponentByNameAndType("CrossBeltSorter1", "Cross Belt Sorter");
    handle1 = cbs.SubscribeOnBeltBlocking(OnBeltBlockingCallBack_Position1, 5.6);
    handle2 = cbs.SubscribeOnBeltUnblocking(OnBeltUnblockingCallBack_Position1, 5.6);

function OnBeltBlockingCallBack_Position1(sender, beltIndex, product) {
    if(product != null) count++;
    if(count == 8) UnsubscribeBlocking(handle1);

function OnBeltUnblockingCallBack_Position1(sender, beltIndex, product) {
    if(product != null) count1++;
    if(count1 == 12) UnsubscribeUnblocking(handle2);
function UnsubscribeBlocking(handle) {

function UnsubscribeUnblocking(handle) {