
Called to subscribe to a notification of a state change of a tag.


number SubscribeToTag(name: string, updateRate: number, equipment: object, callback: function);


Name Type Description
name String The tag name, this must exist within the tag manager. The name is case sensitive
updaterate Number The number of milliseconds that represents the desired update rate of the subscription
equipment Object An object that is associated with the subscription, this object will be the ’this’ reference within the callback function. If no object is required then ’null’ may be passed, this will cause the ’this’ reference to refer to the global object
callback Function Reference to the callback function that will be invoked when an update occurs

Return Value

A numeric identifier that is unique for this subscription, it may be saved for later use. It a required parameter of the function used to unsubscribe to updates


Subscribe to a tag, then change its value, invoking the callback:

var _tag1;

function OnSimulationStart()
    //-- subscribe to tag
    _tag1 = SubscribeToTag("Tag1", 500, null, Tag1ValueChanged)

    //-- set value = 5
    SetTagValue(_tag1, 5);

function Tag1ValueChanged(name, id, value, quality)
    if(quality == 192) // GOOD
        LogDebug("New value for " + name + ": " + value)
        LogError("Tag '" + name + "' has a bad quality: " + quality)

function OnSimulationStop()
    //-- example to unsubscribe to Tag1