CrossBeltSorter Properties

Name Type Description
ProductCount Integer Gets the number of products currently on the cross belt sorter
Running Boolean DEPRECATED - Gets/Sets the running state of the sorter
StartStopRequest Boolean Gets/Sets the Cross Belt Sorter to start or stop. When AccelerationEnabled is true Cross Belt Sorter will start stop gradually using acceleration/deceleration)
AccelerationEnabled Boolean Gets/Sets AccelerationEnabled.
Acceleration Number Gets/Sets the Cross Belt Sorter’s acceleration value in the units chosen when the project was created (metres or feet) / second squared. Cannot be zero
Deceleration Number Gets/Sets the Cross Belt Sorter’s deceleration value in the units chosen when the project was created (metres or feet) / second squared. Cannot be zero
UseAccelerationInTimeMode Boolean New in V8.3. Default is true i.e ‘Use Time (in seconds)’. Allows the selection of the acceleration time in Speed/Time or a simple time in seconds to reach the speed.
AccelerationInSeconds Number New in V8.3. Gets/Sets the simple acceleration time in seconds to reach the speed
DecelerationInSeconds Number New in V8.3. Gets/Sets the simple deceleration time in seconds to reach the speed
TargetSpeed Number Gets/Sets the speed of the Cross Belt Sorter while running
CurrentBelt Integer Gets the Belt Index of the belt that just passed a PE Sensor. See note at the bottom of the page
BaseColor String Gets/Sets the name of the color of the base
IslandsColor String Gets/Sets the name of the color of the islands
BeltsColor String Gets/Sets the name of the color of the belts
BaseVisible Boolean Gets/Sets the visibility of the base
IslandsVisible Boolean Gets/Sets the visibility of the islands
BeltsVisible Boolean Gets/Sets the visibility of the belts
EncoderEnabled Boolean Gets/Sets to enable the calculation of DistanceTravelled by transporter
DistanceTravelled Number Gets the distance travelled by the transporter since the simulation is started, measured in millimeter for metric(metres) and inches for imperial(feet) units
MaxDistanceTravelled Number Gets/Sets Max value for distance Travel by the transporter in the currently defined system units