
Subscribes to event callback for changes of a component user defined property


void SubscribeToUserPropertyByType (
    property: string, 
    componentName: string, 
    componentTypeName: string, 
    callbackName: string);


void SubscribeToUserPropertyByType(
    property: string, 
    componentName: string, 
    componentTypeName: string, 
    callbackName: object);


Name Type Description
property String The name of the property to subscribe to
componentName String The name of the component to subscribe to
componentTypeName String The type of the component
callbackName Object Can be a string (The name of the callback function) or the callback function itself

Return Value


Callback Definition

void xxxxxxxxxxxxx(sender: object, property: string)
Name Type Description
sender Object The object whose property changed.
property String The name of the user property that has changed.


SubscribeToUserPropertyByType("UP1", "Conveyor1", "Conveyor", "Noop"); 
SubscribeToUserPropertyByType("UP2", "Conveyor1", "Conveyor", Noo);
function Noop (sender, property)
    LogDebug("Noop: " + sender.Name + ": " + sender.GetUserProperty("UP1"))

function Noo (sender, property){
    LogDebug("Noo: " + sender.Name + ": " + sender.GetUserProperty("UP2"))