Path: MoveAlongSectionWithDistance
Called to move an object along section for a certain distance and callback the function once reached the distance.
Note that this function is metric only for the moment.
void MoveAlongSectionWithDistance(
sectionId: integer,
obj: object,
speed: number,
acceleration: number,
deceleration: number,
backward: boolean,
distance: double,
callback: function)
void MoveAlongSectionWithDistance(
sectionId: integer,
obj: object,
speed: number,
acceleration: number,
deceleration: number,
backward: boolean,
distance: double,
callback: function,
resetAfterFinished: boolean)
Name | Type | Description |
sectionId | Integer | Id of the section. One based |
obj | Object | Object to be moved on the section |
speed | Number | Max speed in the units chosen when the project was created (metres or feet) |
acceleration | Number | Acceleration from 0 to max speed |
deceleration | Number | Deceleration from max speed to 0 |
backward | Boolean | Boolean to indicate if running backward |
distance | Double | Specific distance to move the object along path |
callback | Function | Callback function that will be called when the movement is complete. Pass null if no callback is required. There is only one callback per path! Subsequent calls to this function will overwrite the callbacks previously passed, and passing null will remove a previously registered callback. |
resetAfterFinished | Boolean | Boolean to reset object when movement is finished. When set to true, next movement call of same section and object will begin movement from section start. Default value is false |
Return Value
var path1;
var path2;
var ob1;
var ob2;
function OnSimulationStart()
LogDebug("OnSimulationStart called");
ob1 = GetComponentByNameAndType ('BasicShape1', "Basic Shape");
ob2 = GetComponentByNameAndType ('BasicShape2', "Basic Shape");
path1 = GetComponentByNameAndType ('Path1', "Path");
path2 = GetComponentByNameAndType ('Path2', "Path");
path1.MoveAlongSectionWithDistance(1, ob1, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, false,10.0, Noop);
path2.MoveAlongSectionWithDistance(1, ob2, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, true,7.0, Noop);
function Noop(sender,sectionID,object,backward)
LogDebug("Noop: " + index);
LogDebug("X: " + object.X + " Y: " + object.Y + " Z: " + object.Z);
Another example:
var path1;
var ob1;
function OnSimulationStart()
LogDebug("OnSimulationStart called");
ob1 = GetComponentByNameAndType ('BasicShape1', "Basic Shape");
path1 = GetComponentByNameAndType ('Path1', "Path");
path1.MoveAlongSectionWithDistance(1, ob1, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, false,10.0, null);