Conveyor: CreateRangeBlockage

Called to set a blockage on the Conveyor at the specified range of the Conveyor with an optionally specified handle. The handle returned is the blockage handle to reference this blockage. If a handle was specified it will be the same handle returned.

All products will be blocked if the product has any part in the zone [distanceFrom - distanceTo]


blockagehandle CreateRangeBlockage(distanceFrom: double, distanceTo: double, blockageHandle: integer)


Name Type Description
distanceFrom Double The minimum distance of the blockage from the beginning of the Conveyor
distanceTo Double The maximum distance of the blockage from the beginning of the Conveyor
blockageHandle Integer Optional. If not specified, returns a new handle otherwise returns the handle specified

Return Value

A handle value that will be used to remove the blockage.