Physics Basic Shape: Rotate

Rotate the shape until it is at the specified orientation.

Only one rotation can be performed at a time. If this function is called before a previous rotation has completed, the first rotation will stop where it is, and the new rotation will start from that point.


void Rotate(direction, tilt, roll, dirSpeed, tiltSpeed, rollSpeed);

void Rotate(direction, tilt, roll, dirSpeed, tiltSpeed, rollSpeed, dirAcc, dirDec, tiltAcc, tiltDec, rollAcc, rollDec);

void Rotate(direction, tilt, roll, dirSpeed, tiltSpeed, rollSpeed,CallbackFunction);

void Rotate(direction, tilt, roll, dirSpeed, tiltSpeed, rollSpeed,CallbackFunction, dirAcc, dirDec, tiltAcc, tiltDec, rollAcc, rollDec);


Name Type Description
Direction Number The direction to move the shape’s Direction towards, in degrees.
Tilt Number The tilt to move the shape’s Tilt towards, in degrees.
Roll Number The roll to move the shape’s Roll towards, in degrees.
dirSpeed Number The speed to modify the direction in, in degrees per second.
tiltSpeed Number The speed to modify the tilt in, in degrees per second.
rollSpeed Number The speed to modify the roll in, in degrees per second.
CallbackFunction function(shape, direction, tilt, roll) This function will be called with the shape instance and the direction tilt and roll in degrees when the rotation is completed.
dirAcc Number Acceleration of direction rotation in degrees/second^2.
dirDec Number Deceleration of direction rotation in degrees/second^2.
tiltAcc Number Acceleration of tilt rotation in degrees/second^2.
tiltDec Number Deceleration of tilt rotation in degrees/second^2.
rollAcc Number Acceleration of roll rotation in degrees/second^2.
rollDec Number Deceleration of roll rotation in degrees/second^2.


function OnSimulationStart()
    let shape = GetComponentByNameAndType("PhysicsBasicShape1", "Physics Basic Shape");
    shape.Rotate(20, 30, 40, 5, 3, 2, OnRotateComplete);

function OnRotateComplete(sender,  direction,  tilt,  roll)
    LogDebug(`${sender.Name} = ${direction} ${tilt} ${roll}`);