Type: BCS.Sym3.Equipment.ITiltTraySorter
Represents a Tilt Tray Sorter
- Description: Gets or sets
- Type: String
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the list of allocation points
- Type: List`1
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the color of the base
- Type: IResourceColor
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets the project
- Type: IBaseProject
- Access: Read
- Description: Gets or sets the visibility of the base
- Type: Boolean
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the billboard text.
- Type: String
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets the list of bound properties
- Type: ObservableCollection`1
- Access: Read
- Description: Get list of children (only for MyEquipment instances)
- Type: List`1
- Access: Read
- Description: Gets or sets the color of the equipment
- Type: IResourceColor
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the direction of the equipment. In degrees
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the direction offset. In degrees
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets a boolean to enable/disable consecutive exit
- Type: Boolean
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets whether to render back face
- Type: Boolean
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets the display name of the type name of the object. It returns the english display name of the type name.
- Type: String
- Access: Read
- Description: Gets or sets the list of exit points
- Type: List`1
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) id of the object. This unique identifier is generated once at the object creation. This id will be kept unique for the entire life of the object, event after saving/loading the project.
- Type: Guid
- Access: Read and Write
- Example:
This example shows how to get the id of an object in a string format. The following script will output a string like 'b3122ae0-dcf7-43b6-b17c-5381afaca5cb'
strid = Project.Colors.Get("myColor").Id.ToString();
- Description: Get typename, if this is a MyEquipment type from standard type, returns the typename of the inherited equipment
- Type: String
- Access: Read
- Description: Indicates if this equipment is a User Defined one
- Type: Boolean
- Access: Read
- Description: Gets or sets the layer the equipment belongs to.
- Type: ILayer
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the layer ID the equipment belongs to.
- Type: Nullable`1
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the length of the tilt tray sorter
- Type: Double
- Access: Read
- Description: Gets or sets the logical processor
- Type: ILogicalProcessor
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the associated menu
- Type: IResourceMenu
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the name of the object. All objects of the same type have a unique name.
- Type: String
- Access: Read and Write
- Example:
This example shows how to get and set the name of an object.
// get the color name
colorname = Project.Colors.Get("myColor").Name;
// set the color name
Project.Colors.Get("myColor").Name = "myNewName";
- Description: The project explorer will display this after the Name of this object.
- Type: String
- Access: Read
- Description: Gets the number of opccupied trays
- Type: Int32
- Access: Read
- Description: Gets the number of tray
- Type: Int32
- Access: Read
Description: Gets or sets the operation mode. Can be one of the following string value:
"ScreeningStationController" "CascadeController" "MergeSourceController" use this one for "Window Reservation" mode "InductorController" "ExternalController"
Type: String
Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the oversize threshold
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets
- Type: IBaseEquipment
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets the number of product
- Type: Int32
- Access: Read
- Description: Gets or sets the reference offset
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or set the reference tray (ID start at 1)
- Type: Int32
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the roll of the equipment. In degrees
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the roll offset. In degrees.
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the running state of the tilt tray sorter
- Type: Boolean
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the list of sections
- Type: ObservableCollection`1
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets whether equipment is selectable.
- Type: Boolean
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the speed of the tilt tray sorter
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the Sub System
- Type: ISubSystem
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the template
- Type: ITemplate
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the tilt of the equipment. In degrees
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the tilt offset. In degrees
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the tilt speed
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the tilt window
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets/Sets the tracking mode for the tilt tray sorter
- Type: TrackingMode
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the gap size of a tray
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the height of a tray
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets whether the tray number label start from 0
- Type: Boolean
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the length of a tray
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the color of the trays
- Type: IResourceColor
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the visibility of the trays
- Type: Boolean
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the width of a tray
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets the typename of the object. A type name doesn’t contain any space characters.
- Type: String
- Access: Read
- Description: Gets a list of all the instances of user properties.
- Type: ObservableCollection`1
- Access: Read
- Description: Gets or sets the visibility of the equipment
- Type: Boolean
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the X position of the equipment
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the offset in the X direction
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the Y position of the equipment
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the offset in the Y direction
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the Z position of the equipment
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
- Description: Gets or sets the offset in the Z direction
- Type: Double
- Access: Read and Write
Starts the tilt tray sorter
Stops the titt tray sorter
Create and add a new allocation point to the AllocationPoints collection allocation point offset on the sorter
Create and add a new exit point to the ExitPoints collection the exit equipmentexit rule
Create and add a new section to the Sections collection length of the section measured in the currently defined system units.arc of the section in degreedirection of the section in degreetilt of the section in degree
Rename the object.
- Parameters:
- value: The new name.
- fireChangingEvent: If false, no change event will fire. In
particular, this disables the check for duplicate names, which can be
costly as it has to check every equipment. The caller is responsible
for ensuring that
is a unique name, or Bad Things will happen.
Init object from IToolXmlToObjectHelper. All properties found in the RootElement of IToolXmlToObjectHelper will be set with the value in the rootElement
- Parameters:
- xmlHelperObj: xmlHelperObj IToolXmlToObjectHelper
Init object from xml. All properties found in the xml will be set with the value in the xml file
- Parameters:
- xmlText: Xml string
Init object from root element. All properties found in the XElement will be set with the value in the XElement
- Parameters:
- objXml: objXml XElement
Gets a bound property by property name
- Parameters:
- propertyName: Property name
- Returns:
- Returns bound property. Null if not found
- Example:
This example shows you how to get a binding on a property if this one exists
// get control:
var td = Project.Windows["Window1"]["Text Display1"]
// bind property 'Value'
var boundProperty = td.GetBoundProperty("Value")
Converts the object into an XML string including overrides for for copy/paste functionality
- Returns:
- the string that contains xml version of the object for copy/paste
Get all properties and values that are different from default values
Gets the user property instance of the specified name
- Parameters:
- userPropertyName: The user property name.
- Returns:
- Returns the user property instance object. If not found, the methods returns null.
- Example:
This example shows how to set the value of a user property by using this method
cc1 = Project.Equipment.Get("CC1");
// get the value of a user property using the method
userPropertyInstance = cc1.GetUserPropertyInstance("UserProperty1");
if(userPropertyInstance != null) {
userPropertyInstance.Value = 3;
Gets the value of a user property. A better way to get the value of a user property is to use the indexer operator [], see example. Instead of using the method ‘GetUserPropertyInstance’ and then access the ‘Value’ property of the returned value, this method simplifies the way we get the value of a user property.
- Parameters:
- userPropertyName: The name of the user property to set.
- Returns:
- Returns null if user property is not found. Otherwise returns the value of the user property.
- Example:
This example shows how to get the value of a user property using this method and also by using the indexer
cc1 = Project.Equipment.Get("CC1");
// get the value of a user property using the method
val = cc1.GetUserPropertyValue("UserProperty1");
// get the value of a user property using the indexer operator
val = cc1["UserProperty1"];
Indicates if the object contains a user property with the name you specify
- Parameters:
- userPropertyName: user property name
- Returns:
- Returns true if the object contains a user property with the name you specified in parameter.
Creates a new bound property
- Parameters:
- propertyName: Name of property to bind
- Returns:
- If the property (propertyName) doesn’t exist for this object type, no bound property will be created so this method will return null.
- Example:
This example shows you how to bind a property
// get control:
var td = Project.Windows["Window1"]["Text Display1"]
// bind property 'Value'
var boundProperty = td.NewBoundProperty("Value")
// set expression:
boundProperty.Expression = "%caller.Name%_Running";
// create a mapping:
boundProperty.AddMapping("1", "It is true");
boundProperty.AddMapping("0", "It is false");
Removes a binding
- Parameters:
- propertyName:
- Example:
This example shows you how to remove a binding on a property
// get control:
var td = Project.Windows["Window1"]["Text Display1"]
// remove data binding on property 'Value'
Gets a list of expressions that have had any markup replaced by the equipment specific tag identifier
- Parameters:
- expression: The expression that needs to be parsed for markup
- property: property name associated with the expression
Sets the value of a user property. A better way to set the value of a user property is to use the indexer operator [], see example. Instead of using the method ‘GetUserPropertyInstance’ and then access the ‘Value’ property of the returned value, this method simplifies the way we set the value of a user property.
- Parameters:
- userPropertyName: The name of the user property to set.
- value: If the user property is not found, this methods does nothing.
- Example:
This example shows how to set the value of a user property using this method and also by using the indexer
cc1 = Project.Equipment.Get("CC1");
// set the value of a user property using the method
cc1.SetUserPropertyValue("UserProperty1", 3);
// set the value of a user property using the indexer operator
cc1["UserProperty1"] = 3;
Returns the object in a CSV string.
- Returns:
- A string that contains properties of the object in a CSV format.
Converts the object in an xml string
- Returns:
- the string that contains xml version of the object
// HOW TO : TiltTraySorter
// How to create equipment
// create a new tilt tray sorter
var newEntity = Project.Equipment.NewTiltTraySorter()
// How to access equipment
// get by name using method 'Get'
var entity1 = Project.Equipment.Get("CC1")
print("Get entity by name: " + entity1.Name)
// get by name using operator []
var entity2 = Project.Equipment["CC1"]
print("Get entity by name: " + entity2.Name)
// get by index:
var entity3 = Project.Equipment[0]
print("Get entity by index: " + entity3.Name)
// get all tilt tray sorters
var entities = Project.Equipment.TiltTraySorters;
if (entities != null) { print(entities.Count); }
// How to loop
// loop through all equipment types:
var entities = Project.Equipment.Objects;
for (var i = 0; i < entities.Count; i++) {
// loop through all conveyors
var entities = Project.Equipment.Conveyors;
if (entities != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < entities.Count; i++) {
// How to delete
// remove entity
var equipment = Project.Equipment.Get("CC1")
// How to edit common properties
equipment.Alias = "the alias";
equipment.X = 1;
equipment.Y = 2;
equipment.Z = 3;
equipment.Direction = 4;
equipment.Tilt = 5;
equipment.Roll = 6;
equipment.Selectable = false;
equipment.Layer = Project.Layers.Get("Layer1");
equipment.DisplayBackFace = false;
equipment.XOffset = 1;
equipment.YOffset = 1;
equipment.ZOffset = 1;
equipment.DirectionOffset = 1;
equipment.TiltOffset = 1;
equipment.RollOffset = 1;
// get parent name
// set operation mode:
equipment.OperationMode = "ScreeningStationController";
equipment.OperationMode = "CascadeController";
equipment.OperationMode = "MergeSourceController";
equipment.OperationMode = "InductorController";
equipment.OperationMode = "ExternalController";
// How to edit TTS properties
var sorter = Project.Equipment.Get("MyEquipment")
//---- General
sorter.OversizeThreshold = 1;
sorter.DisableConsecutiveExit = true;
//---- Geometry
sorter.TrayWidth = 1;
sorter.TrayHeight = 1;
sorter.TrayLength = 1;
sorter.TrayGapSize = 1;
sorter.NumTrays = 10;
// get only:
//---- Kinematics
sorter.Running = true;
sorter.Speed = 1;
sorter.TiltSpeed = 1;
// get only:
//---- Visual
sorter.BaseColor = Project.Colors.Get("Sym3 Red");
sorter.BaseVisible = true;
//---- Actions
// How to edit exit points
// Important Notice: to speed up the execution always perform the following:
// - get exit points in a temporay variable: var exitPoints = sorter.ExitPoints
// - add/remove/edit this variable
// - set the all variable back to the API: sorter.ExitPoints = exitPoints;
var exitPoints = sorter.ExitPoints
// get number of exit points:
var count = exitPoints.Count;
// loop exit points
for (var i = 0; i < exitPoints.Count; i++) {
var v = exitPoints[i];
// exit point properties:
var exitPoint = exitPoints[0];
exitPoint.Exit = Project.Equipment.Get("CC1");
exitPoint.Rule = Project.Equipment.Get("Rule1");
// after modification, re-assign the whle collection
sorter.ExitPoints = exitPoints;
// How to edit allocation points
// Important Notice: to speed up the execution always perform the following:
// - get exit points in a temporay variable: var allocationPoints = sorter.AllocationPoints
// - add/remove/edit this variable
// - set the all variable back to the API: sorter.AllocationPoints = allocationPoints;
var allocationPoints = sorter.AllocationPoints
// get number of allocation points:
var count = allocationPoints.Count;
// loop allocation points
for (var i = 0; i < allocationPoints.Count; i++) {
var v = allocationPoints[i];
// allocation point properties:
var allocationPoint = allocationPoints[0];
allocationPoint.Offset = 1;
var inductions = allocationPoint.Inductions;
for (var i = 0; i < inductions.Count; i++) {
var induction = inductions[i];
var sequences = allocationPoint.Sequences;
for (var i = 0; i < sequences.Count; i++) {
var sequence = sequences[i];
// after modification, re-assign the whle collection
sorter.AllocationPoints = allocationPoints;
// How to edit sections
// Important Notice: to speed up the execution always perform the following:
// - get sections in a temporay variable: var sections = sorter.Sections
// - add/remove/edit this variable
// - set the all variable back to the API: sorter.Sections = sections;
var sections = sorter.Sections
// get number of sections:
var count = sections.Count;
// loop sections
for (var i = 0; i < sections.Count; i++) {
var v = sections[i];
// section properties:
var section = sections[0];
section.Arc = 1;
section.Length = 1;
section.Direction = 1;
section.Tilt = 1;
// after modification, re-assign the whle collection
sorter.Sections = sections;